Tag: javascript

  • ArcGIS map linking

    Something I’ve found frustrating with a few different instances of ArcGIS-based maps is the lack of an easy ability to share or link to a particular location. E.g., one of the water districts shares this map: https://valleywater.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=39632100ff6d48dcab9405ee080b142b. After some fruitless searching in regular search, Gemini helped get me on the right track in response to…

  • Comparing nodes

    I thought I wanted to compare the DOM trees for a couple of nodes. I ended up putting this together: How would you have done it? (I’d be unsurprised if this has some bugs.) After writing this though, I realized that comparing the HTML from n1.getHTML() vs n2.getHTML() was better for my purposes. (I don’t…