I’m reading Jon Duckett’s “PHP & MYSQL” and got up to a section where he discusses $_SERVER
, which contains info on HTTP headers, etc. I thought it might be fun to see what Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine bot looks like in terms of this.
So, here’s my take on dumping parts of $_SERVER: https://github.com/fadend/server-vars-php/blob/main/server_vars.php. Hopefully nothing too dangerous in there.
And here’s what it looks like when the Wayback Machine crawls it: https://web.archive.org/web/20240725005319/https://revfad.com/cgi-bin/server_vars.php.
Maybe nothing too exciting (at least to my ignorant eyes)? Looks like they’re pretending to be (or actually using?) Google Chrome to crawl? The ” Not;A Brand” stuff seems to be a Chrome/Chromium thing: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64443187.
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